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2019-2020 Scholarship Recipients

We are pleased to announce the recipients of this years’ scholarships for the 2019-2020 academic years. This year we were able to offer three scholarships for $2000.00 each. Since we started the program in 2005, we have been able to give out 64 scholarships, totaling approximately $96,000.00, something we are very proud of! We are hoping for your continued support so we can break the $100,000.00 goal!

The three individuals below were chosen by Scholarship America to receive these scholarships out of the thirteen who applied. From the essays and appreciation comments at our June 2019 luncheon that the recipients attended, we can feel very proud that we are helping the future generation with our scholarship program. Everyone’s support for the scholarship program is appreciated and hopefully we can continue to grow this program. In December 2019 we were also fortunate to receive a nice, one-time contribution from the CRA Graduate Committee at the annual Graduate Luncheon. The Board will be deciding the number of scholarships that we can offer for the 2020-2021 year in January 2020 or earlier. Watch our Newsletters and see upcoming general information on the website regarding next year’s scholarship program so you can encourage your children, grandchildren or great grandchildren to apply.

Below is information on each of the recipients and excerpts from their goals and aspirations statements. You will be able to read that a very good, committed group of students will be helped by us to make a better world in the future.

Matthew BrightbillMatthew (Cole) Brightbill, Walnut Creek CA, grandson of Dick DeVoe, Walnut Creek, 1997 retiree, will be attending University of Washington, Seattle WA, pursuing a degree in Business Administration. “I am excited to attend a strong academically-focused university that is in a large metropolitan area so I will have access to many internship opportunities. The undergraduate business school at the university has a great reputation and they allow undergraduates to get involved in research which is something that interests me.” During high school Cole started his own cooking business, teaching kids how to cook (he started cooking when he was five) and started an informal investment club which has encouraged him to learn more about the world of finance and investing.

Garrett LouieGarrett Louie, Orinda CA, son of Kendall Louie, Orinda, 2014 retiree, will be attending Northwestern University, Evanston IL, pursuing a degree in Physics. “Throughout the next four years and beyond, I plan to pursue my interests and develop new queries across many different fields. More specific goals include developing a deep proficiency and understanding in applied mathematics, physics and coding in addition to German and likely Greek and/or advanced Latin. I plan to enter graduate school and, ideally, achieve a doctorate, after which I would like to establish a career in scientific research. I can see myself in a number of fields that entail research and problem solving, as I am most fulfilled when immersed in puzzles and discovery, which I hope to help make myself.”

Zoey NylundZoey Nylund, Pleasant Hill CA, granddaughter of Gene Meyer, Walnut Creek, 1997 retiree, will be attending California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, pursuing a degree in Mathematics, concentrating on sciences. “I view college as an amazing opportunity to explore my various interests and be challenged in new ways. I know that math has been calling my name my whole life. To me, it is freeing and even fun. I am interested in knowing how the world works and connecting math and scientific concepts that I learn in class to my own life. I hope that being a female in my field only pushes me harder in achieving my goals. I hope to experience education abroad at some point. One of my biggest goals is to experience different cultures and to learn about myself as well as others as I interact with people who are different from me. After graduating from Cal Poly, I hope to continue my education potentially in Actuarial Science.”